Scheduled events at the IRC next week

مرحبا بيكم في الفضاء الأمريكي المفتوح للعموم في السفارة. للتسجيل والمشاركة في برامجنا المجّانيّة للأسبوع القادم, راسلنا على IRCTunis | state ! gov على الأقل قبل نهارين من موعد زيارتك لينا. أكثر تفاصيل في النصّ الإنجليزي.
Register for all or any of these days next week to participate in our fun and informative activities or to make use of our library hours. Please email IRCTunis | state ! gov two days in advance and we can add you to our visitors list for the whole week! #AmericanSpaces

Our special and open events this week include:

• Tuesday, October 17 @ 14:30 – 15:30
“My Experience with Women in STEM”
Join our exchange program alumna, Mariem Ayadi, who will tell us about her personal path as a woman in the STEM field (Science – Technology – Engineering – Math). Mariem will also share highlights of different tech fields/trends today.
With a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a minor in Engineering from Smith College in Massachusetts, Mariem has broad professional experience in technology. Today, she works as a software developer at Credit Suisse’s New York division and is a strong advocate for women in STEM.
To register for this event, write to IRCTunis | state ! gov by Sunday, October 15.

• Tuesday, October 17 @ 16:00 – 17:00
Getting Your Name Out There: Branding and Marketing for Startups
Your startup may offer a great product or service, but if you can’t reach your target customer base, your startup is likely to fail. Effective branding and marketing is one of the many challenges early-stage startups face, largely due to limited resources and staff. To survive and thrive, you must learn how to overcome those limitations and get your name out there. So how does a startup do that? Where does a startup even start with branding and marketing? These topics and more will be covered by an expert panel of speakers in our interactive webchat entitled “Getting your Name Out There: Branding and Marketing for Startups.”

Join us to have the panel of experts answer your questions live. This TechConnect will give you advice and tips that will help you determine your next steps. The program will be in English with French interpretation.

Ray Sanchez – Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Ghostlight Creative
Jane Sugiyama – Marketing Specialist for the University of Michigan (U-M) Center for Entrepreneurship’s Technology Acceleration Programs
Steven Rodriguez – Moderator
To register for this event, write to IRCTunis | state ! gov by Sunday, October 15.

• Wednesday, October 18 @ 15:00 – 16:00
Allies Against Human Trafficking: Engaging the Private Sector in Combating Human Trafficking
In recent years, the private sector has joined government efforts to identify and combat human trafficking, or modern slavery. Growing awareness within the tourism, transportation, financial and technology sectors has allowed professionals in these industries to spot trafficking and to know what to do when they see it.
Private sector engagement is a powerful tool to combat human trafficking, and that’s why more governments are working with business leaders to combat this criminal behavior.
Join us for a webchat in which representatives from the private sector, government officials, law enforcement officers and members of nongovernmental organizations will discuss efforts to fight human trafficking and detect and assist victims. This program will be in English with French interpretation.

Christina Bain – Director of Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, Babson College
Kylla Lanier – Deputy Director, Truckers Against Trafficking
Minal Patel Davis – Special Advisor to Houston’s Mayor on Human Trafficking
Vivian Huelgo – Chief Counsel for the Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence, American Bar Association
To register for this event, write to IRCTunis | state ! gov by Monday, October 16.

• Thursday, October 19 @ 15:00 – 16:00
Scholarships & Financial Aid: EducationUSA Information Session
Join us for an interactive information session on scholarships and financial aid. The session will be led by EducationUSA Advisor Cyrine Mami.
To register for this event, write to IRCTunis | state ! gov by Tuesday, October 17.

Every day from 9:00 to 15:30
Come explore our space during library hours! We have the latest magazines, kindles and other electronics! We also have books and DVDs that you can check out, and online research databases that you can use.
Please email IRCTunis | state ! gov two days in advance of your visit and we can add you to our visitors list for the rest of the week!

Article précédentPeople : Touche pas à mon poste : Jessy (Les Marseillais vs Le reste du monde), au bord des larmes, évoque ses regrets
Article suivantÉvènement : Deeply Rooted au Rex Club avec Mike Dunn