Flashmode.tn : Agence de casting mannequins, modèles & hôtesses d'accueil

Mode : Beirut Young Fashion Designers Competition

Samedi dernier, le 21 Avril, L.I.P.S. Management  a présenté la quatrième édition du Concours des Jeunes Créateurs de Mode de Beyrouth (BYFDC) , dirigé par le designer libanais Rabih Kayrouz et en présence de la diva internationale Victoria Bonya , en collaboration avec ABC Liban et ELLE Oriental; Ce concours s’est imposé comme la seule plate-forme pour les étudiants en design de mode et les jeunes designers qui cherchent la bonne exposition pour commencer ou promouvoir leur carrière.

Mode : Beirut Young Fashion Designers Competition

La compétition a eu lieu le samedi 21 avril 2018 à ABC Verdun L3 Gardens, en présence de plusieurs célébrités, personnalités publiques, médias, universités, diplomates, familles et amis des candidats. Les invités ont été accueillis à un cocktail offert par G. Vincenti & Sons s.a.l., sur le tapis rouge, puis ils sont entrés dans le jardin où la compétition a eu lieu.

Dans le salon du jury, la présentatrice libanaise Cynthia Zeinoun a présenté les juges du BYFDC:

Douze jeunes designers fraîchement diplômés de diverses universités de design de mode à travers le Liban ont participé à ce concours, qui a été transmis en direct sur le Web en direct sur Web-En-Direct. Les participants ont reçu le thème ‘Cyborg Couture‘ selon lequel ils devaient créer, concevoir et exécuter quatre tenues complètes.

Les juges du BYFDC: Rabih Kayrouz, Victoria Bonya, Desiree Sadek, Tania Azzedine
Les juges du BYFDC: Rabih Kayrouz, Victoria Bonya, Desiree Sadek, Tania Azzedine

Les participants: Ahmad Hawali / Assaad Bou Mjahed / Badwy Nicolas / Christia Saad / Christophe Semaan / Hawrae Awali / Jean Pierre Khoury / Judas Mordache / Leon Arapguirlian / Mirella Nemr / Nayla Obeid / Saro Jacque Tchaparian; ont tous concouru pour le titre gagnant devant le jury. Après la compétition, tous ces designers exposeront leurs créations dans un magasin Pop Up à ABC Verdun – GF Floor pour une durée d’un mois, ouvert au public, qui a été lancé à la fin de la compétition.

Le gagnant du BYFDC recevra en collaboration avec L.I.P.S. management :

Enfin, L.I.P.S Management a annoncé que la cinquième édition du BYFDC aura lieu en 2019. Jetez un coup d’œil sur les créations des participants de la BYFDC:

DESIGNER: @christia_s ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
DESIGNER: @chrisemaan ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
DESIGNER: @chrisemaan ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
DESIGNER: @chrisemaan ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
DESIGNER: @chrisemaan ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
DESIGNER: @christia_s ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
DESIGNER: @christia_s ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
DESIGNER: @christia_s ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @hawraeawali ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @hawraeawali ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @hawraeawali ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @hawraeawali ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @hawraeawali ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @itsjay_p ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @itsjay_p ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @itsjay_p ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @itsjay_p ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @judasmordache ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @judasmordache ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @judasmordache ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @judasmordache ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @judasmordache ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @judasmordache ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @mirella.nemr ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @mirella.nemr ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @mirella.nemr ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @mirella.nemr ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @mirella.nemr ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @naylaobeid ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @naylaobeid ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @naylaobeid ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @naylaobeid ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @naylaobeid ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @naylaobeid ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @sarojacquesofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @sarojacquesofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @sarojacquesofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @sarojacquesofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @sarojacquesofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @ahmadhalawiofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @ahmadhalawiofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @ahmadhalawiofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @ahmadhalawiofficial ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @assaadworld ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @assaadworld ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @assaadworld ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @assaadworld ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @assaadworld ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @badwynicolas ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @badwynicolas ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @badwynicolas ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens
▪️DESIGNER: @badwynicolas ▪️THEME: Cyborg Couture
▪️For the 4th edition of @byfdcofficial by @lipsmanagement ▪️ ABC Verdun Gardens


Par Sheima Oueslati

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